Changing Directions
Changing Lives
Turning Point International Ministries
"Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God's good news to one and all."
~ Mark 16:15 (MSG) ~
"Christ is our message! We preach to awaken hearts and bring every person into the full understanding of truth. It has become our inspiration and passion in ministry to labor with a tireless intensity, with His power flowing through us, to present to every believer the revelation of being His perfect one in Jesus Christ."
~ Colossians 1:28-29 (TPT) ~


Hi Phil and Geri Ann!
I attend Believers Destiny Church in Wilmington, NC. When you came for a crusade, I had a boot cast on my foot where I had broken my ankle. During the healing service, I felt the power of God hit me. When I came up off the floor, my ankle no longer hurt. God "unbroke" my ankle! I immediately took the boot off and jumped up and down rejoicing with no pain!
I attended a service at Source Church in Manteo, NC recently where you prayed for pain in my hips. When hands were laid upon me, I went weak in the knees and slumped to the floor. It was a few minutes before I had the energy to stand. When I did, I felt most of the pain had disappeared but there was a slight twinge behind my right hip. I questioned the Holy Spirit on this and He spoke to my heart saying, "Growing pains" and "Reconstruction." The next day, I was getting out of my truck and would have normally experienced pain; there was absolutely NONE! The following day, I even went surf riding with my son and experienced total freedom in my hip, and even in the arch of my foot where I had not mentioned pain had existed. Praise God for complete wholeness.
I attend Faith Alive Fellowship Church in Elkton, VA. After delivering the Word of grace...Phil laid hands on me and prayed. I experienced the presence of God and the freedom to draw a deep breath and release it effortlessly. I haven't breathed this freely for years as I am 51 years old and have struggled with Asthma for a long time. My healing manifested that day. I am glad you both are part of my living a healed life!
T. Boyd
I have suffered for more than 10 years with severe migraine headaches. When Phil laid hands on me, I was immediately delivered and have had no pain since!
(Manteo, NC)
I came to the healing service in January because I had recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. When hands were laid upon me, I felt something had changed in my body. I returned to the doctor and all signs of cancer are gone!
(Manteo, NC)
Mary had severe neuropathy in her feet. The doctors said nothing else could be done for her. When hands were laid upon her she said, "I feel it coming out of my hands like water dripping off my fingers." She left the service pain free and carrying her cane.
(Faith Impact Church - Georgetown, TX)